Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Women of Ancient Greece
In today’s society, rights between men and women are as close to equal as they have ever been. The roles of men and women in society have become intermingled in every aspect. Through work, leisure, family, political, and religious issues, both men and women take part. This equality was a difficult and timely journey for women, and it is gut wrenching to consider women’s non-existent rights of ancient times. However, a possible alteration to the common view of women’s lives in ancient Greece may be disproved according to an article by Christine Mitchell Havelock. The evidence brought forth is strong and relevant to the argument, but the overall impact on the conception of a woman’s life in ancient Greece is hardly altered. Women of ancient Greece may not have been as detested and rigorously forbidden in the way that ancient male-dominated â€Å"literary and legal sources†suggest. The argument could perhaps be more specifically defined by saying that the woman played a significant role in many parts of the funerary services of deceased loved ones, as well as an active part in the domestic affairs of the home. This argument is successfully supported by Havelock’s evidence found in a series of Greek funerary vases: Funerary ceremonies were extremely important to the ancient Greek. Ritualistic activities such as processions of mourning filled the streets in times of death. The mourners were both male and female. Both sexes were active in the mourning, but as a duty women were to be emotional. Men held one hand in the air to show the grieving while women characteristically held both hands in the air. This evidence is crucially supportive, showing that women were involved in these burial ceremonies. (Havelock 50) A scene of major significance can be seen on a vase presently in a museum in New York. The vase gives great detail in showing a dead male body surrounded by his immediate family. His wife is to the left sea... Free Essays on Women of Ancient Greece Free Essays on Women of Ancient Greece In today’s society, rights between men and women are as close to equal as they have ever been. The roles of men and women in society have become intermingled in every aspect. Through work, leisure, family, political, and religious issues, both men and women take part. This equality was a difficult and timely journey for women, and it is gut wrenching to consider women’s non-existent rights of ancient times. However, a possible alteration to the common view of women’s lives in ancient Greece may be disproved according to an article by Christine Mitchell Havelock. The evidence brought forth is strong and relevant to the argument, but the overall impact on the conception of a woman’s life in ancient Greece is hardly altered. Women of ancient Greece may not have been as detested and rigorously forbidden in the way that ancient male-dominated â€Å"literary and legal sources†suggest. The argument could perhaps be more specifically defined by saying that the woman played a significant role in many parts of the funerary services of deceased loved ones, as well as an active part in the domestic affairs of the home. This argument is successfully supported by Havelock’s evidence found in a series of Greek funerary vases: Funerary ceremonies were extremely important to the ancient Greek. Ritualistic activities such as processions of mourning filled the streets in times of death. The mourners were both male and female. Both sexes were active in the mourning, but as a duty women were to be emotional. Men held one hand in the air to show the grieving while women characteristically held both hands in the air. This evidence is crucially supportive, showing that women were involved in these burial ceremonies. (Havelock 50) A scene of major significance can be seen on a vase presently in a museum in New York. The vase gives great detail in showing a dead male body surrounded by his immediate family. His wife is to the left sea...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of Aspect in English Grammar
Definition and Examples of Aspect in English Grammar In English grammar, aspect is a verb form (or category) that indicates time-related characteristics, such as the completion, duration, or repetition of an action. (Compare and contrast with tense.) When used as an adjective, its aspectual. The word comes from Latin, meaning how [something] looks The two primary aspects in English are the perfect (sometimes called perfective) and the progressive (also known as the continuous form). As illustrated below, these two aspects may be combined to form the perfect progressive. In English, aspect is expressed by means of particles, separate verbs, and verb phrases. Examples and Observations Perfect AspectThe perfect aspect describes events occurring in the past but linked to a later time, usually the present. The perfect aspect is formed with has, have, or had the past participle. It occurs in two forms:​ Perfect Aspect, Present Tense:History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created.(William Morris, The Water of the Wondrous Isles, 1897)​ Perfect Aspect, Past Tense:At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969) Progressive AspectThe progressive aspect usually describes an event that takes place during a limited time period. The progressive aspect is made up of a form of be the -ing form of the main verb.​ Progressive Aspect, Present Tense:Shes loyal and is trying to wear her thin flippy hair in cornrows.(Carolyn Ferrell, Proper Library, 1994) Progressive Aspect, Past Tense:I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything. (Steven Wright) The Difference Between Tense and AspectTraditionally . . . both aspects [perfect and progressive] are treated as part of the tense system in English, and mention is made of tenses such as the present progressive (e.g. We are waiting), the present perfect progressive (e.g. We have been waiting), and the past perfect progressive (e.g. We had been waiting), with the latter two combining two aspects. There is a distinction to be made, however, between tense and aspect. Tense is concerned with how time is encoded in the grammar of English, and is often based on morphological form (e.g. write, writes, wrote); aspect is concerned with the unfolding of a situation, and in English is a matter of syntax, using the verb be to form the progressive, and the verb have to form the perfect. For this reason combinations like those above are nowadays referred to as constructions (e.g. the progressive construction, the present perfect progressive construction). (Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner, Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014) present perfect progressive: God knows how long Ive been doing it. Have I been talking out loud? past perfect progressive: He had been keeping it in a safety deposit box at the Bank of America. For months she had been waiting for that particular corner location. Present Perfect Progressive and Past Perfect ProgressiveThe perfect aspect most often describes events or states taking place during a preceding time. The progressive aspect describes an event or state of affairs in progress or continuing. Perfect and progressive aspect can be combined with either present or past tense...Verb phrases can be marked for both aspects (perfect and progressive) at the same time: The perfect progressive aspect is rare, occurring usually in the past tense in fiction. It combines the meaning of the perfect and the progressive, referring to a past situation or activity that was in progress for a period of time. (Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech, Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Longman, 2002)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
History of Art and Visual Culture 1400 - 1900 Essay
History of Art and Visual Culture 1400 - 1900 - Essay Example Conversely, the Visual Art is regarded as a form of intellectual and cognitive learning skills and experiences. For example, the construction of the circle, rectangular drawings, and painting composition procedures are described to be having ability of demanding high judgment values from the painters. The body entombment was presented in its original size, shape, kind and color complying with the law of nature. In addition, the measurements and the proportions of the living creatures that were around d the death served as a point of reference in making the Entombment justification to be a real event (Zirpolo, 2008). However, death body manifested itself when the limbs and other parts of the body could not be able to perform any duty of life function. Nevertheless, apart from the color, size, function and the kind composition abilities evaluated, individual confirming dignity of the entombed body was addressed. For instance, the clothing used in the death event presented type, functio n and dignity, a factor that was very essential in the ancient painting. The Raphael entombment picture was pleasing and appealing; it had a mixture of old men and youths without indicating a virtual emptiness. Additionally, the attitude and gestures were not appearing in the entombed feature as the mourners were in full control of the entombed movement activities (harmony in accordance with the action). The entombment emotions were presented moving in different directions presenting grief and anger.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Down Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Down Syndrome - Essay Example Down believed that those suffering from the condition could lead a better life if given a chance (Bowman-Kruhm 11). The condition came to be referred as Down syndrome in the early 1960s (Margulies 8). Dr. Jerome Lejeune and Patricia Jacobs, in 1959, identified the link between DS and the presence of an extra chromosome (Bowman-Kruhm 12). Symptoms Those suffering from DS exhibit both physical abnormalities as well as health complications. They have delayed cognitive development during early infancy, leading to mental retardation and reduction in intelligence quotient (IQ) from early infancy to late childhood (Rachidi & Lopes). They experience deficiency in speech and language production. The low IQ persists in adulthood and is coupled with a decline in cognition, which is a result of accelerated ageing. By the fourth decade of life, there is often an early onset of neurohistopathology, resembling Alzheimer’s disease (Rachidi & Lopes). Patients with DS have deficient spatial lea rning, behavioral defects, and memory deficits due to development and functional impairments in neurogenesis, myelination, synaptogenesis, etc. in the brain (Rachidi & Lopes). Patients with DS often have some or many of the commonly recognizable traits commonly associated with the condition. They lack normal muscle tone, giving them a â€Å"floppy†appearance (Griffith, Moore and Yoder 270). The head is often abnormally shaped, with an unusually shaped skull. They also have unusual facial features such as flattened nose, large tongues, small mouths, abnormally shaped ears, broad hands with large palm creases, and slanting almond shaped eyes with an abnormal iris... Those suffering from DS exhibit both physical abnormalities as well as health complications. They have delayed cognitive development during early infancy, leading to mental retardation and reduction in intelligence quotient (IQ) from early infancy to late childhood (Rachidi & Lopes). They experience deficiency in speech and language production. The low IQ persists in adulthood and is coupled with a decline in cognition, which is a result of accelerated ageing. By the fourth decade of life, there is often an early onset of neurohistopathology, resembling Alzheimer’s disease (Rachidi & Lopes). Patients with DS have deficient spatial learning, behavioral defects, and memory deficits due to development and functional impairments in neurogenesis, myelination, synaptogenesis, etc. in the brain (Rachidi & Lopes). Patients with DS often have some or many of the commonly recognizable traits commonly associated with the condition. They lack normal muscle tone, giving them a â€Å"floppy†appearance (Griffith, Moore and Yoder 270). The head is often abnormally shaped, with an unusually shaped skull. They also have unusual facial features such as flattened nose, large tongues, small mouths, abnormally shaped ears, broad hands with large palm creases, and slanting almond shaped eyes with an abnormal iris (Griffith, Moore and Yoder 270). It is also observed that the inner corner of the eyes in patients with DS has a rounded fold of skin called the epicanthial fold (Griffith, Moore and Yoder 270). Apart from these, they also often suffer from gastrointestinal and heart defects. Some patients with DS are found to possess normal intelligence, while most others suffer from intellectual deficiencies (Margulies 5).
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Quantitative risk assessment Essay Example for Free
Quantitative risk assessment Essay Monte-Carlo simulation is carried out using a large number of computations, using a computer, with random inputs. This method is particularly useful when it comes to â€Å"predicting†the outcome a complex eventuality. Typically, the Monte-Carlo simulation is useful when predicting the outcome of a large number inter-related factors that are â€Å"uncertain†. Predictivity using Monte-Carlo simulation is far more accurate where variables under consideration are many, uncertain and random. For this particular reason, using Monte-Carlo simulation for this study is the best choice as there are many uncertain factors that need to be analyzed for computing a risk assessment. In this study, the first step begins with the production of meat and ends with health effects that meat can probably induce in consuming subjects. There is a large interplay of uncertain factors, and the entire food chain model proposed in the study has inherent variability across most levels. 2. What comment would you make about the source of data used for the concentration of E. coli in cattle feces? Prevalence and concentration of E. Coli in cattle fecal matter was used to assess the level of contamination of the meat. The level of contamination of the meat is a pointer to the probable exposure that a consuming subject could possibly have, to E. Coli. Concentration of E. Coli in cattle fecal matter is directly related to factors like seasonality, geographical properties, and feeding practices. However, the data related to concentration of E. Coli in the cattle fecal matter was constructed without consideration for these factors. Data used for concentration of E. Coli in fecal matter was obtained using enrichment methods. The results show a wide bipolar variation, from as low as undetectable E. Coli levels to as much as 5. 0 log10 CFU/g. The data for prevalence of E. Coli in cattle fecal matter was obtained from previously held studies. However, only data from those studies was used, that primarily aimed at detecting E. Coli prevalence rates in cattle fecal matter for beef that was supposedly slated for human consumption. 3. What comment would you make about the following: †¢ modeling the distribution of feces on carcass as Uniform? Slaughtering invariably causes the fecal matter to come in contact with the meat. Skinning a carcass will lead to contamination of exposed meat due to contact with the hide. Although, fecal matter is the main source of bacterial reservoir, the nature and number of agents that can directly or indirectly participate as contaminating agents is uncertain. However, the concentration of E. Coli in fecal matter is directly proportional to the extent of meat contamination. The distribution of fecal matter on carcass surface is uneven. A dilution factor was used as a model simplification. †¢ modeling fecal contamination only on the carcass surface? As a fact, E. Coli are present in the fecal matter but not inside red meat. Contamination of red meat, therefore, occurs only when fecal matter comes in contact with it. This will usually happen during slaughtering, and the following processes like packaging and trimming. For this reason fecal contamination has been modeled only on the carcass surface. 4. Briefly (less than 500 words), discuss the practicalities and likely success of implementing each of the proposed hypothetical mitigation strategies in the paper. The author has proposed three hypothetical risk mitigation strategies for risk reduction. However, the strategies have been proposed to reduce risk as per mentioned figures, assuming that the strategy is being implemented and the desired goal is being achieved. For instance, the first strategy of regulating storage temperature control norms shows a reduced risk to over 80%. Practically, this strategy can indeed cause a large risk reduction but a protocol will need to be developed that incorporates all the levels of the proposed beef-cold-chain, starting right from the farm to the retailer. Even with a concrete legislature to make sure this strategy works, it needs to be evaluated how far would this strategy prove to be practically enforceable. With definite legislature, a good compliance can be expected out of this strategy and apparently this strategy is far more practicable, and could prove successful. Pre-slaughter screening proposes to reduce risk by over 46%. However, more variables like feeding practices, geographical locations, and seasonal variation (that affect E. Coli fecal load) need to considered, before a definite â€Å"control†level can be instated to rule out slaughters for animals that have more than a certain level of bacterial fecal concentration. The consumer information program, although with a risk reduction of 16%, is certainly a very important level wherein proper intervention can dramatically decrease E. Coli related health morbidity. Even though anticipated risk reduction is only 16%, simple measures like adequate promotional tools, could significantly increase risk reduction through mass communication; the biggest limitation however, is that compliance in this case cannot be ascertained, nor enforceable. Keeping in mind the practical limitations of each of these strategies, a prudent approach would involve application of all the three strategies in conjunct, to ensure greater risk reduction. A good reason for this approach is that due to the uncertain nature of all the factors involved in E. Coli contamination and delivery to consuming host, it appears quite difficult to determine the individual potency of each of these factors, and they would easily remain relative values. ‘Evaluation of MRSA Select, a new chromogenic medium for the detection of nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus’ 1. What is the ‘gold standard’ used to assess the sensitivity and specificity etc. of the different diagnostic tests? The sensitivity and specificity of a particular diagnostic test needs to be estimated before the test under consideration can be employed for practical purposes, to ensure that the results obtained are accurate, and of consequence. A â€Å"gold standard†, hence, is an absolute, against which results from a particular diagnostic test are compared. The gold standard, also called as the standard frame of reference, is a perfect test for the given condition, and is 100% sensitive and specific as well. 2. Is the ‘gold standard’ the same for all of the tests? Within the context of this paper, the gold standard used is same for all the tests. The gold standard used is identification of methicillin resistant S. Aureus, from nasal swabs of patients, confirmed for the mecA gene using PCR. 3. Can the tests be compared in this way? Yes, the tests can be compared this way. The same samples (n) were subjected to different growth mediums, to ascertain the presence of MRSA. All these media were specifically designed to promote the growth of MRSA. Hence, depending on the growths shown by these different media, results can be drawn and compared. 4. Are the authors’ conclusions valid? I think that the author’s conclusions are valid. Although, PCR will remain the gold standard in ascertaining presence of MRSA, the application of this procedure, to remain practically enforceable, is quite limiting. For instance, considering the sheer number of samples that an urban community hospital has to handle on a daily basis, using PCR for all instances may not be feasible all the times. In this circumstance, using simple tissue culture techniques would definitely prove to be more desirable, especially with faster results and low costs; like using the MRSA Select that will give results within 24 hours with a sensitivity and specificity over 99%. Moreover, simplicity of the test requires no complex skill set, especially compared with handling PCR techniques. References 1. Fishman, G. S. (1995). Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications. New York: Springer 2. Bell, B. P. , Goldoft, M. , Griffin, P. M. , Davis, M. S. , Gordon, D. C. , Tarr, P. I. , Bartleson, C. A. , Lewis, J. H. , Barret, T. J. , Wells, J. G. , Baron, R. , Kobayashi, J. , (1994). A multistate outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7-associated bloody diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome from hamburgers: the Washington experience. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 3. Vose, D. , (1996). Quantitative risk analysis: A guide to Monte Carlo simulation modelling. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester England. 4. USDA:APHIS:VS. , 1994a. E. coliO157:H7 issues and ramifications. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Fort Collins, CO. 5. Gehlbach SH. (1993) Interpretation: sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value. In: Gehlbach SH, ed. Interpreting the medical literature. New York: McGraw-Hill 6. Apfalter P, Assadian O, Kalczyk A, et al. (2002) Performance of a new chromogenic oxacillin resistance screen medium (Oxoid) in the detection and presumptive identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis;44:209–11. 7. Murakami K, Minamide W, Wada K, Nakamura E, Teraoka, H, Watanabe S. (1991) Identification of methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci by polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol;29:2240–4. 8. Safdar N, Narans L, Gordon B, Maki DG. (2003) Comparison of culture screening methods for detection of nasal carriage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a prospective study comparing 32 methods. J Clin Microbiol;41:3163–6.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Richard II: His Dramatic Downfall Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespe
Shakespeare’s plays were grouped into three categories: comedies, tragedies and histories. The histories were those plays based on the lives of English kings. Shakespeare was one of the first writers to write about English history. According to Garber, â€Å"before Shakespeare’s time there were few history plays such written in England--- England history was told in verse and prose chronicles (239)†. It’s considered that Richard II is one of the early â€Å"historical plays†. The play became so iconic that even Queen Elizabeth said that she was â€Å"Richard the second, know ye not that†. Richard II tells the story about a king’s downfall. Richard II is not your average king. He is useless with his power and does not know how to use it. He is the king of England when the play begins but shortly after his kingship is taken away from him. Richard II is a young man who has not matured much since his adolescence. He is disconnected from his land and its people, which becomes one of the downfalls of his crown. He has an extraordinary flair for poetic language. He is witty and poetic personality doesn’t work with his higher calling in life. A king should be strong and fearless. King Richard II is not a man of action and as the play advances, he gets into more and more trouble. As his end approaches, he becomes very poetic. Like most Shakespearean heroes, Richard II has a strong theatrical personality. He likes putting on a show and enjoys a bit of wordplay, even at his own expense. What sets him apart from other Shakespearean characters is the perverse joy he takes in his downfall. There are many tragic events that lead to Richard’s downfall and consequently lost of his crown. The most important one was that he basically didn’t ... ...n moral and royal principles. By the end of this play, it’s clear that Richard has completely questioned the concept of divine right and when he has to shed his crown and turn over England to his enemy, he dramatically states â€Å"Throw away respect, Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty; For you have but mistook me all this while. I live with bread like you, feel want, Taste grief, need friends. (3.3.172-76). Just because Richard as a divine right to be the King doesn’t mean that he is the right choice to accomplished the requirement of what it takes to be a great king. Richard was lacking on the will power of a leader. His downfall was his fault in the sense that he couldn’t concentrate to see what he was doing to his region as a ruler. He failed as a leader but at the same time he gain sometime much better than a crown, Richard gain the understanding of who he is.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Misleading Graphs
â€Å"Graphs give a visual representation that enables readers to analyze and interpret data more easily than they could simply by looking at numbers. However, inappropriately drawn graphs can misrepresent the data and lead the reader to false conclusions†(Bluman, 2009, p. 76). Some methods used by graph makers to mislead consumers are truncated axis starting points and using two dimensional pictures rather than simple bars or lines. Problems The graph we chose as our project is flawed in many ways. The chart has no title, no scale on the vertical axis, and no labels for the horizontal axis. There is no way to determine what type of data is being represented other than â€Å"singles†of some kind being sold. Whether these are single units of something, single rooms rented, Kraft singles cheese slices, or something else entirely is uncertain. The missing labels on the horizontal axis also deprive the viewer from knowing exactly how the data is being tracked. The columns certainly look like they represent years but it could be something else entirely. Another large issue with this graph is that the two dimensional viewpoint makes it seem as if the 1995 column is far taller than the rest of the data when in fact it is the same height as the 1997 column. Effect on Users When the graph is misleading, it becomes hard for the reader to accurately understand what the graph is trying to show. The largest problem with this graph is the lack of information provided about what is being studied. There is no title provided to give the reader a general idea of what information is being shown. The graph fails to show the frequency amount of the â€Å"number of singles being sold†, or even what the single is exactly. The fact that there is little labeling on the vertical axis and none on the horizontal axis can be misleading and could cause the users to think that the graph is representing something different than it really is. The graph can also be misleading to it users because of the fact that it is set up as a two dimensional graph. When looking at the graph the closer the bars are the larger they are made to appear. So while it looks like the first bar is the tallest it is no taller than the third bar. Corrections To correct our chosen graph we first start by appointing an appropriate product for the â€Å"number of singles sold,†and in choosing our product it will also help us to decide our chart title which is â€Å"Annual CD singles sales. The scale on the vertical axis contains the year of sales, and the horizontal axis contains the amount of sales or the number of CD singles sold. And the graph has changed to a simple bar graph for better reader understanding. These corrections make the graph more informational and contain a better frequency than before. And the labeling of both the horizontal and vertical axis helps the graph to better represent the product to the user. And changing to the bar graph will show the graph’s strongest and weakest years of sales.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
GANDHI’S ROLE IN ENDING BRITISH RULE IN INDIA India was one of the most important British colonies in Asia. During the First World War (1914-1918), the British government promised the Indians that if they fought against the Germans in return would receive greater administrative autonomy. After the war, however, the promise was not fulfilled. Instead, the representatives of the British government began to violently repress all attempts at emancipation of India. The main Indian leader who opposed British rule was Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948).The main resource used by him in the struggle against the British was based on the strategy of active non-violence. Gandhi preached civil disobedience and non-violence, (Satygraha) of the Indians against the English authorities through non-payment of taxes and rejection of British industrial products. The purpose was to weaken the opponent, preventing any cooperation with it, but without using violence. Mahatma Gandhi was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.Employing non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world. When Gandhi arrived in India, the First World War was at its height. At first he ignored this. He addressed the British Viceroy of India but shocked him by declaring shame at having to speak in English whilst in India. He also verbally attacked the rich Indian princess who was loyal to British rule. Many princesses were deeply offended and walked out.After show its position against the British rule and seeing that the Indian population was suffering in British hands he began a Satyagraha campaign to help poor Indian peasants in the district of Bihar. This was more a protest against conditions than against the British, but it did involve Gandhi encouraging Indians to refuse to pay taxes. In 1917, surprisingly, Gandhi joined a campaign organized by the British Viceroy to persuade ord inary Indians to join the British on the Battlefields of France against the Germans. He personally toured the Indian District of Kheda in support of the campaign.The Salt March, also known as the Salt Satyagraha, began with the Dandi March on March 12, 1930, and was an important part of the Indian independence movement. It was a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly in colonial India, and triggered the wider Civil Disobedience Movement. This was the most significant organized challenge to British authority since the Non-cooperation movement of 1920–22, and directly followed the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence by the Indian National Congress on January 26, 1930.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (commonly called Mahatma Gandhi) led the Dandi march from his base, Sabarmati Ashram near Ahmedabad, to the sea coast near the village of Dandi. As he continued on this 24 day, 240 mile (390 km) march to produce salt without paying the tax, growing numbers of Indians joined him along the way. When Gandhi broke the salt laws at 6:30 am on April 6, 1930, it sparked large scale acts of civil disobedience against the British Raj salt laws by millions of Indians.The campaign had a significant effect on changing world and British attitude towards Indian independence and caused large numbers of Indians to join the fight for the first time. At the end of the First World War seemed to hold great promise to India. She had been invited to the Versailles Peace Conference as a separate power in her own right. Also, towards the end of the war, the Montagu Declaration had promised increased participation in the government and justice system of Indian people.However, this promise was dashed by two events in the immediate period after the war: o The Rowlatt Acts: these acts said that the rights of Indians to free speech and protest would not be fully restored even though the war had ended. o The Amritsar Massacre: After some protests the British rule weakened. To solve the problem, a meeting was organized. The meeting was meant to be peaceful and made up of men, women and children. But the British ordered his troops to line up facing the crowd and to open fire.No final warning was given to the protesters. Those two things were a great mistake. Jawaharlal Nehru, also known as Pandit Nehru was an Indian statesman who was the first (and to date the longest tenure of) prime minister of India, from 1947 until 1964. Ward leader in the socialist Indian National Congress during and after the effort of India to independence from the British Empire, became the Prime Minister of India at independence. His real initiation into politics came when he came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi in 1919.At that time Mahatma Gandhi had launched a campaign against the Rowlatt Act. Nehru was instantly attracted to Gandhi's commitment for active but peaceful civil disobedience. Jawaharlal Nehru was elected mayor of Allahabad in 1924 and served for two years as chief executive of the city. From 1926 to 1928, Jawaharlal served as Secretary General of the Committee of the Congress of the United Provinces. In 1928-29, the annual session of the Congress under President Motilal Nehru was held.During that session Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose backed a call for full political independence, while Motilal Nehru and others wanted dominion status within the British Empire. To resolve the issue, Gandhi offered the British to grant in two years the domain status to India, otherwise the Congress would launch a national struggle for full political independence. Nehru and Bose reduced that period to one year. The British did not respond. In December 1929, the annual session of the Congress was held in Lahore and Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as president of the Congress Party.During the session, a resolution demanding India's independence was passed and on January 26, 1930 in Lahore, Jawaharlal Nehru busy hav ing a flag of free India. And Gandhi made the call for civil disobedience movement in 1930. The movement finally forced the British government to recognize the need for major political reforms and ended up being a great success. After the Second World War, in 1947, the state of Britain gave India its political Independence, but the territory was divided into the republic of India, the Hindu majority, and republic of Pakistan (East and West), with a Muslim majority.Later, in 1972, after a violent war, East Pakistan separated from the West and was renamed Bangladesh. He was very important for the India independence because he introduced a new way to think, a new way to fight without having to lose lives. In my opinion he was the most important factor for the ending of the British rule in India. Thanks to him Indians are free of suffering in British hands, he created a new way of avoid loss of lives and fighting. He showed to the world a new way to live and find what you want, a non-v iolence way. Gandhi To what extent has the importance of Gandhi been exaggerated in persuading the British government to give India independence in 1947? Gandhi wasn’t as significant as people think he was during the struggle for Indian independence. Some believe that Gandhi was the reason why Britain gave independence to India, people exaggerated over his abilities and his actions during the struggle for Indian Independence, and so he then became â€Å"the Father of India†this again really exaggerated his importance.But then again, after the Second World War, Britain would have given India independence anyway due to Britain becoming bankrupt which would have meant that Britain would have to give India independence because they couldn’t afford to keep control and order in such a big country like India. Therefore, Gandhi didn’t actually need to go on big campaigns, because most of them would result in a huge number of people being killed or die of starvation.These are the key parts that people miss out and over exaggerate about Gandhi’s importance. Just like the Amritsar massacre and the Bengali Famine, India was punished for the trouble they have caused for Britain, which resulted in lots of Indians being killed. In a way, Gandhi knew that his campaigns would be result in some people being killed and he could have done it differently, in a more peaceful way, because Britain would have given India independence eventually.Gandhi set himself a goal, to unite the whole of India so that Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs could live together without the British Raj, but he failed to do that and because he failed we now have a separated India, which resulted in millions of people losing their lives due to Gandhi’s decisions and actions . Overall, Gandhi really annoyed the British, which caused them to act in a way they wouldn’t necessarily act, like shooting in a crowd of Indians.Also, like the â€Å"Quit India Campaign†, which Gandhi intro duced and said to his fellow Indians to Cause trouble on the streets of India, Gandhi thought that this will eventually lead to Britain getting fed up of the constant trouble and then grant them the Independence, which they have so badly been fighting for, but this only led to more Indians being killed. This proved to be a disaster for Gandhi and due to some decisions he made, India split into three, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Also resulting acts threats of terrorism to each on of the three countries.This again shows what an impact Gandhi still has today due to his work and the methods he picked to free India. This may have had an influence on some famous figures in History such as Martin Luther King, but then again, it resulted in Millions of people losing their lives due to Gandhi not being successful in one of his main goals, such as uniting India. When the Rowlatt Act came into law, Gandhi proposed that the entire country observe a hartal, a day of fasting, prayer, and abs tention from physical labor, in protest against the injustice of the repressive new law.Millions of Indians followed Gandhi’s words and started to fight back against the British, they simply didn’t go to work; almost the whole of India came to a halt for the whole day. Following the words of Gandhi, some Indians came together in groups, which was against the Rowlatt act law. A General in the British army in India named General Dyer became furious and decided to â€Å"teach the Indians a lesson†and so he went to the meeting in Amritsar and massacred nearly all the Indians that simply came together to listen to each other. All eyes were on Gandhi, because it was his words that led to this massacre.Even though Gandhi knew that his instructions to Indians would cause agony for the British, but also for India, but he took the risk anyway. Again this shows that Gandhi’s words proved to be futile, because the British would always respond back to the actions mad e by Gandhi and the Indian people. Even though Gandhi knew that, he would still continue his campaign, which would later cause chaos on the streets of India. But his actions were seen as successful because no one had actually stepped up to the British, this again exaggerates his importanceFurthermore, Gandhi’s campaigns may have been effective against the British, but it also came with a huge sacrifice. Gandhi’s campaigns really annoyed The British, especially Winston Churchill. Gandhi, â€Å"The Father of India†and Churchill, the Prime minister of Britain had a clash of ideas. Because Gandhi won, people see him as defeating one of the most powerful men in the world. But it came at a huge cost; this really exaggerates his importance because people don’t really see the other side. His campaigns eventually led to the Bengal famine, which resulted in millions of people starving to death.Gandhi’s campaigns are thought to of led to the Bengal famine, a nd the amount of money Britain had to pay for the damage, and so they tried to put an end to it by setting an example. In a way, Churchill really badly wanted to punish the Indians for all the trouble they caused. Churchill did this by stopping shipments of supplies to Bengal and instead he sent them to soldiers in Africa, which they didn’t really need. The famine lasted between one to two years. Churchill himself said, â€Å"I hate Indians†, â€Å"The famine was their own fault. †Some may argue that, he is referring to just Gandhi and the problems he has made for Britain to clean up.Overall, Gandhi’s actions and the decisions he made had a huge effect on India and Britain, which then, led to the Bengal famine and as a result Millions of woman and children died. Churchill only tried to show Gandhi he too can cause trouble for India, he also tried to warn Gandhi and the rest of India that this would be the result of the actions and the amount trouble they cause. But Gandhi didn’t stop and continued with his campaigns to free India. On the other hand, Gandhi didn’t always cause trouble but sometimes he forced the British to just give up. Gandhi devised a great march to the coast; this would become famous as the salt march.Gandhi realized that the British tax on salt would become an advantage. Gandhi soon started to walk with his members of the Indian congress party and other followers to the Indian coast. Soon after, many people joined him. Afterwards he had whole villages behind him; he then arrived at the coast and encouraged people to take as much salt as they possibly can because the British couldn’t do anything about it. But, soon afterwards, as he arrived back, the British authorities had arrested him and thrown him in jail. This had caused mass rioting, some people were killed and so the British had no other option, but to release him.The British government had to pay a lot of money for all the damage and mess that the rioters had made. Gandhi proved himself to the Indian people as a leader. The period of â€Å"non-cooperation†that began in 1920 saw Gandhi moving all across India, encouraging people to give up their Western clothing and British jobs. Soon afterwards Gandhi’s Congress party would become an organization filled with people working for it, this then proved to be an organization fit to become a professional party ready to lead their fellow Indians to Independence.Gandhi’s work despite the interference of the British authorities was a great success. Gandhi then would introduce a civil disobedience campaign, which would prove to be a mistake that shook the world. During one of the protests that night a group of Indians broke into one of the colonial outposts and killed many of the people working there. Horrified by the actions of his fellow Indians, Gandhi abandoned his plan for civil disobedience and retired into a period of fasting and prayer.Even as the Viceroy of India and the Prime minister of Britain wanted Gandhi out of the way, they couldn’t due to the political system Britain had in effect for since the early stages of the British Empire. The media were always there, and the class system in Britain was very important during that time, and so if the British authorities in India or Britain were to throw Gandhi in a jail for life or even execute him which they could of done very easily, but it would harm their reputation as the most advanced nation in the world.People would see the British as savages; this system came to Gandhi’s advantage during the salt march. From 1934 until the outbreak of war in 1939, Gandhi left the struggle for independence to Nehru. He began traveling through India again, working with women and children, helping the poor, and promoting use of the old fashioned Indian spinning wheel. He went from village to village, teaching others of the way of true India, barefoot and on the road for months at a time.Gandhi wanted to prove to all Indians that they didn’t need to wear western clothing or use western methods of making clothes, and that the Indian way was better, he did this to try and get everyone to do the same and then it would have been much easier to unite India. But people often get mistaken and believe that this method of uniting India wasn’t as effective, sure people do get together, but teaching the true Indian ways of doing things showed that Gandhi tried to get people together. But just when people were getting along, he introduced the â€Å"Quit India Campaign†people would riot on the streets killing many people.Again people don’t see the other side of Gandhi and over exaggerate his importance by pointing out that he taught many Indians the true Indian way in the hope that they would get along and unite to overcome oppression from the British. Gandhi didn’t support the war, and when Britain called for India to help th em in the upcoming â€Å"Battle of Britain†, which would decide the future of Britain, the war and even the world, But Gandhi and the rest of India refused, and in a way, also helping the Nazis because they weren’t helping the allies and instead helping Hitler and the Nazis by not fighting.But they only fought to protect their own country from invasion. Japan, a growing empire decided to start the invasion of India and wanted to overthrow the British Raj and have India for themselves, but they lost to the Indian sepoys supported by Gandhi. So, in a way they could have helped Britain, but they also had the Japanese looking to extend their border. This then resulted in many deaths over in Britain, which were lucky enough to snatch a victory at the battle of Britain.Three years after his wife's death was a time of struggle for Gandhi, the growing Muslim league and Jinnah were looking to have a country of their own â€Å"Pakistan†in the far west of India and  "Bangladesh†in the far east of India. Gandhi’s dreams of a united India were beginning to shatter. This shows that his main dream of uniting India was beginning to end this shows that Gandhi wasn’t very successful and failed to reach his goal, therefore Gandhi was only useful in gaining independence so that others can have theirs within the country.Elections were beginning to be held in India, they were between the Congress party and the Muslim league. India was becoming a piece of land which was going to be torn apart between two different faiths. The political Parties of India were beginning to look like true professionals. MPs were elected in heavy Hindu and Muslim parts of India. The fate of India was to be decided. After the war, Britain was absolutely spent the whole treasury. It was now empty and people were so hungry they had to eat cat food.This eventually led to many countries getting their independence because Britain couldn’t afford to keep co ntrol and order in many countries like India, it became â€Å"ungovernable†and so Britain just gave up and gave them their independence. India received independence not from Gandhi’s methods of Satyagraha, but through total anarchy and outbreaks of violence across the country. This shows that everyone forgot about Gandhi because he wasn’t important to them and believed that the methods he used were wrong because people were dying for nothing, and so Gandhi’s methods were fading away.Overall, Gandhi claimed to represent all of India during the Round-Table conferences, but as he later learned to know that there were some who didn’t agree with him, such as Jinnah, the Muslim league and all other Muslims living in India, even though Gandhi’s and Nehru’s Congress party had the most seats in the Indian parliament, Gandhi still thought he represented the whole of India which means that he forgot all about the Muslims and Sikhs that wanted t o remain separate.So in a way, he failed to reach his main goal which many people failed to notice during the later stages of India receiving independence. Disaster followed, violence swept the country as Hindus and Muslims killed one another. Nearly all fled the newly created borders, seeking safety in India or Pakistan, depending upon their religion. Millions had died while many other Millions were forced to flee their homes; it proved to be a disaster for Gandhi and his dreams of united India.Gandhi felt betrayed by his fellow Indians he felt that that no one had listened to him, that the people of India hadn’t learned a thing during the times of his campaigns and great marches which taught Indians to stay together, he believed that India would become independent only if they unite. But sadly, his dreams would only become a vision he once had. Later on Gandhi would give some speeches and show up in some important events, but then something, which shook the entire world, ha d occurred, Gandhi was assassinated. But even after his death he then somehow still influences people from around the world.Overall, Gandhi didn’t reach his main goal to unite India, but it is thought that Gandhi was the reason why India got their independence. This is usually exaggerated as a strong sense of sympathy for Gandhi after his death. Eventually India would of gotten their independence due Britain, which couldn’t afford to keep control of India and so they would of gotten their independence even without Gandhi. But then again, Gandhi’s campaign inspired many other famous people, such as, Martin Luther King, who then used Gandhi’s methods of non-violent protest, which would eventually then lead to black-Americans gaining their Civil Rights.Gandhi explained in one of his speeches that it is important not to fight against the British, but simply just not follow the orders and laws passed, such as don’t meet up in large groups. Gandhi told p eople not to follow that order and do the complete opposite, which then lead to the Amritsar massacre. Gandhi failed to reach his aims, but became a very famous figure in history due to his campaigns and the first ever use of peaceful protesting, which then after his death, Gandhi was claimed to be a hero and savior of India.People exaggerate Gandhi’s importance because they usually miss out on the specific detail that is very vital to understanding Gandhi. The exaggeration of Gandhi’s importance is also due to India having Gandhi as their only leader, this may be important because he was the first to step up to the British, but on the other hand he failed in uniting India against the British. Sure he may have had a role in the struggle for independence, but he caused India to divide, which caused millions of people losing their lives.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Richard the Second essays
Richard the Second essays Richard the second was born January 6, 1367. He was king of England from 1377-1399. He was son of Edward the black prince and grandson of king Edward the third. Richard took his grandfathers throne in June of 1377, he was not yet mature of old enough to run things so things continued to be run by the same nobles. John of gaunt(duke of Lancaster) ran things while Richard was young and for the last few years of Edwards reign. Gaunts misrule made the economy go down and the long conflict with France kept on going. This was king Richards first crisis even though he was not yet old enough to do much about it. The rebels against king Richard were pacified not long after they started and Richard got married in June of 1382. John of gaunt was able to keep peace with the French until he decided to flee to Spain in 1386 to persue personal things. Soon after he left Richards enemies started to take over. They created an 11-man team that would oversee all the kings activities for a ye ar. When Richard tried to stop them the retaliated by having the parliament outlaw his closest friends and some were executed. In May of 1389 he announced he would rule as an independent monarch. Gaunts return in 1389 stabilized the situation for a little while. During this time Richard was really looking at getting back at his enemies, and he did. He had Arundel convicted of treason and sentenced to death, Warwick was banished and Gloucester was put in jail and murdered. In September of 1398 he had a chance to banish Bolingbrook(Henry) and Thomas Mowbray, but he did not. Instead he made a disastrous mistake by leaving for Ireland. While he was gone Henry invaded England and got all the nobility to support him. When Richard returned he surrendered to Henry without a fight. King Henry then took the throne and imprisoned Richard. Four months later he died believed to be of starvation. Shakespears story of his murder has no reliable sources accordi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Absolute and Relative Error Calculation
Absolute and Relative Error Calculation Absolute error and relative error are two types of experimental error. Youll need to calculate both types of error in science, so its good to understand the difference between them and how to calculate them. Absolute Error Absolute error is a measure of how far off a measurement is from a true value or an indication of the uncertainty in a measurement. For example, if you measure the width of a book using a ruler with millimeter marks, the best you can do is measure the width of the book to the nearest millimeter. You measure the book and find it to be 75 mm. You report the absolute error in the measurement as 75 mm /- 1 mm. The absolute error is 1 mm. Note that absolute error is reported in the same units as the measurement. Alternatively, you may have a known or calculated value and you want to use absolute error to express how close your measurement is to the ideal value. Here absolute error is expressed as the difference between the expected and actual values. Absolute Error Actual Value - Measured Value For example, if you know a procedure is supposed to yield 1.0 liters of solution and you obtain 0.9 liters of solution, your absolute error is 1.0 - 0.9 0.1 liters. Relative Error You first need to determine absolute error to calculate relative error. Relative error expresses how large the absolute error is compared with the total size of the object you are measuring. Relative error is expressed as a fraction or is multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percent. Relative Error Absolute Error / Known Value For example, a drivers speedometer says his car is going 60 miles per hour (mph) when its actually going 62 mph. The absolute error of his speedometer is 62 mph - 60 mph 2 mph. The relative error of the measurement is 2 mph / 60 mph 0.033 or 3.3%
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Utilitarian Objects as Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Utilitarian Objects as Art - Essay Example As such, it was used not only on a daily basis, but also many times throughout the day. The Clock has a minimal color base combining a muted grey exterior, with a white and black interior. To a great degree it is recognized that this minimal color base functions as a means of functionality. In these regards, the white and black functions as a means of creating a visual juxtaposition that allows the user to view the clock clearly and from a distance. As a readymade the Clock has a complex artistic meaning. One recognizes the centrality of this device to the daily lives of 20th century citizens. In these regards, the object is an articulation and manifestation of the very engine of social existence. The Clock contains the traditional hands pointing to numbers, as well as a digital interface for the date. This hybridity of design is a testament to the shifting sociocultural landscape that the emerging world found themselves in at the concluding period of the 20th century, as traditional modes of living clashed with an infusion of digital culture. This post-modern combinatory aesthetic opens the art object to meditative contemplation. The viewer is led to consider Marshall Mcluhan who famously noted that the medium is the message. While Mcluhan was referring to the televisual apparatus and its media dissemination message, the Clock opens this dialectic to demonstrate that time is the very medium that governs our daily existence. In this context of understanding the hybrid traditional and digital presentation is a clear indication of the shifting medium and fabric of our daily existence. In the 21st century the days of our lives are increasingly measured and mediated through a digital medium. When considered in the context of Einstein’s theory of relativity one recognizes that the very nature of time is mutable and transformative. The impact of such a shift is both demonstrative of the
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