Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Social Acceptance Of Homosexuality Between Regions Essay
The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether there were any significant differences in the social acceptance of homosexuality between regions. Findings indicate a significant difference between the Midwest and Other (participants who indicated they were not from the listed regions) in the social acceptance of homosexuality, F=3.102 p=0.032. Using the Tukey HSD test the results indicated that the mean score for the Midwest (M=3.26, SD=1.07) was significantly different than Other (M=4.01, SD=0.59). However, the North (M=3.73, SD=.72), South (M=3.48, SD=.85), and West (M=3.82, SD=.64) did not significantly differ from individuals from the Midwest and Other. Specifically, our results suggest that individuals from the Midwest are less accepting of homosexuals than any other region. The ANOVA was also conducted to analyze regional differences in the social acceptance of gay men. Results revealed a significant difference between the Midwest and Other in the social a cceptance of gay men, F= 2.987 p= 0.040. Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test indicated that the mean score for the Midwest (M=3.04, SD=1.32) was significantly different than Other (M=3.91, SD=.63). However, the North (M=3.60, SD=.92), South (M=3.28, SD=1.01), and West (M=3.68, SD=.68) did not significantly differ from the Midwest than Other. Suggesting that individuals from the Midwest are less accepting of gay men, while individuals identifying being from Other are more accepting ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Homosexuality and the American Baptist Church1701 Words  | 7 PagesHomosexuality in the Baptist Church: Homosexuality is one of the most debated issues among Christians today, regardless of the denomination of their church. Some churches view homosexuality as a sin and have no tolerance for it, while other denominations are more accepting and consider it a non-sin. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Fight Against Personal Essay Samples for College
The Fight Against Personal Essay Samples for College The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the majority of our clients require is essay writing. Our service also provides free essays which is an element of what makes us unmatched. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. Nowadays it's very hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Essay writing examples in doc format like the ones given may help steer you in writing a great composition. To structure an essay, you have to simply follow the aforementioned format. Essentially, the author takes a massive risk with the topic of the essay, but with good logic and decent writing, defends the case well. On our website, you are going to discover competent essay writers who will assist you with your assignments whatever they may be. If you discover that the writer did not provide precisely what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. In some instances, you might find it challenging to compose because of inadequate abilities, and thus a sample winning scholarship essays would supply the guidance you require. If you're to really gain from model essays, you want to understand how to read the techniques of the writer'. As a writer, you compose an essay for any particular purpose. In conclusion, it would appear that assignment essays continue to get a prominent part in tertiary education as an assessment tool. Creative essays should have a topic. These seven sample essays respond to a wide range of thought-provoking questions. Be careful to prevent over-used, banal phrases like these in your essays. There are not any dates of publication in each of the references. Some might also find it tricky to tackle these assignments since they may lack the info needed to supply the scholarship essay in time. After you've determined the goal of your essay, you will know what information has to be included and the way that it has to be presented. That means you can order for our high school scholarship essay examples without needing to fret about your private details. The Secret to Personal Essay Samples for College If you don't, you are able to actually hurt your odds of admission. At length, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. Somebody works part-time and doesn't have sufficient time to do each of the assignments. The college would like to know about you. Persuasive essays are supposed to be convincing, this may be to buy a given product or maybe to earn a call to action. You can depend on the ideal essay help online. There are many persuasive essay examples college students are able to make use of online. Learn about a local (for the college) issue in the area, something people may relate to and write about doing it. The actual individuals highly praise our essay help site. It's possible to also use expert assistance. When nothing appears to work, you might always find expert help. The very first room, through the door, is the most important portion of the restaurant. Every individual mind will take a look at your essay from a different perspective and so identify things that may be made better. One of the greatest ways to get ready for a college essay is to read the ones which have succeeded previously. After all this, don't rush and compose the essay with a transparent mind. It is irrelevant whether you're a high-school or college student, you've got to compose plenty of papers which is an absolute must. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Writing an essay is a vital role in academe life. With these few easy ideas, you can also write a superb college essay of your own!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Oh Wonder by Oh Wonder free essay sample
The debut of Oh Wonder’s self titled album in September, 2015 was one that introduced the world to a melodious and catchy new collection of songs that take the listener on a journey in every verse. This album features a wide variety of sounds and melodies, some quiet and slow, some loud and upbeat. Whether you like Indie pop, alternative rb, electro pop, or synth pop, Oh Wonder is an album that is sure to enthrall you and make you want to listen to it on repeat. All of the songs on the album share very high pitched tones, sang by the very talented Josephine Vander Gucht and Anthony West. Each song is distinct in its own way, even though they contain specific elements that characterizes Oh Wonder. All share a common electronic rhythm and quiet tone, and a happy or peaceful theme. This album makes the listener feel at ease as he/she relaxes to the soft melodies the artists sing. We will write a custom essay sample on Oh Wonder by Oh Wonder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although the album is not loud, it still carries emotion. Every track is melodious, often set to an electronic beat. The songs can be both catchy and emotional at the same time, which requires a lot of talent. Most of the songs on the album discuss common themes. In an interview with Interview Magazine, Josephine stated, â€Å"I think the things that unite all the songs are human relationships and the importance of love and being there for people.†These ideas are generally universal, so not only can listeners enjoy the songs on Oh Wonder, but they can relate to them as well. However, even though a theme of relationships is very common in songs, the band manages to avoid cliches, setting them apart from other artists that sing songs having a similar or even identical topic. I applaud this, because it is difficult to be unique while singing about something that is relatively cliche. Additionally, the artists did something quite unusual when releasing the album they rel eased one song every month, rather than dropping an entire album all at once. Oh Wonder does a fantastic job of setting themselves apart from any other band, ensuring that their album will be a memorable one to any listener. Lastly, the album Oh Wonder, as I stated, employs a variety of managed to explore many genres in their albumâ€â€as I stated, sounds. Songs range from empowering, with lyrics like â€Å"Cause I’m kicking up stones without youAnd I’m digging down holes without you,†(Without You) to melancholy, with lyrics like â€Å"I’ve been upside down/ I don’t want to be the right way round/ Can’t find paradise on the ground†(All We Do). The artists have synth pop, rb, Indie pop, and electro popâ€â€, which can make it appeal to almost everybody. However, the album mainly consists of more quiet, electronic songs that share a similar high pitched sound. None of the songs are loud, and only two or three instruments such as piano, guitar, etc.â€â€or an electronic track backing up the music. Even though I didn’t normally listen to the genres Oh Wonder’s self-titled fell into, the album sparked my interest in them. It definitely had a significant impact on my music taste, as I started listening to other artists of that genre after listening to the album because I enjoyed it so much.As someone who normally sticks to listening to the same artists and songs, the fact that Oh Wonder helped me venture out of my comfort zone shows that the album was exceptional. This music is good when trying to relax, and it also can help with focus. The album Oh Wonder can be enjoyed by people with all kinds of different music tastes, another thing that makes it fantastic. Overall, this album has left an impact on me, just like it should to you. Even though you may think at the moment that it won’t appeal to you, there is a chance you may find yourself mistaken, like I did after listening to it.This is an album that you will find yourself zoning out to all the time, replaying the soft sounds and gorgeous tones in your head as you embark on the journey Oh Wonder takes you on. Oh Wonder by Oh Wonder free essay sample To someone who only ever listens to pop punk, falling in love with an airy, indie pop album such as Oh Wonder came as something of a jolt. Almost as much a jolt as when this debut album of a London based pop duo hit the Billboard 200 list within a few days of release. Consisting of Josephine Vander Gucht and Anthony West, Oh Wonder’s self titled album can’t be compared to anything that Ive heard to this date. Different people will all find different sounds and messages in their music, and could easily all classify it as different genres, just because it has so many roots and directions. Certain songs are more upbeat and sound like pop, much like the artist Banks, while others are more mellow and make you want to curl up in a ball with a mug of tea, like a slow Sam Smith song would. We will write a custom essay sample on Oh Wonder by Oh Wonder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Formedtwo years ago, Oh Wonder has been sitting with their songs, written and all, for a while. Not knowing how to present themselves on the depths of the world wide webs music industry, they decided to take the plunge and publish their song Body Gold in September 2014 on the music sharing service SoundCloud. After it was overwhelmingly well received, West and Gucht, determined to continue with their music, worked to post one song every month on this platform. Ultimately,the two got signed to Republic Records to release an album consisting of 15 tracks on September 4, 2015. The first song I heard from the duo was â€Å"Livewire.†To me, the lyrics are about someone who has lost all of their potential and needs someone else to pull them up from this pit. With words such as â€Å"So hold me when I fall away from the lines,†the singer is asking for someone to be their â€Å"livewire.†It has a smooth jazzy vibe, and as this is the first song on the album, introduc es us to the pair’s unique style. In an interview with the online music magazine â€Å"Earmilk,†Oh Wonder explained that all of their songs are a collaborative project between the two. They both write the poetry that is their songs, craft the music, sing and release. Another fan favorite is â€Å"Technicolour Beat.†The singers’ voices blend together until they become one, sounding dreamy and warm, a perfect song to stare out of a window to. The band had live concerts scheduled for fall 2015 in cities including London, Amsterdam, Paris, Los Angeles, and New York City sell out before the albums arrival and before ever performing publicly. One negative I have found on the album, however, is that if you listen to it all in one sitting, as a whole, you will find yourself lost in the songs, since most of them sound so similar. For example, the songs â€Å"All We Do†and â€Å"Heart Hope†are hard to tell apart, besides from their choruses. With the slow, groovy piano and drum beats, blended into the singers’ perfectly united voices, the sound becomes repetitive. Nevertheless, throughout the album, there are many noticeable, deep themes about topics such as breakups, hope for the future and even gambling addictions. Josephine Gucht, to represent her dedication to her lyrics, went as far as to get a tattoo on her lower calf of their song titled â€Å"Heart Hope.†Maybe that is exactly what the duo needs to deal with their future releases. With more than 35 million streams on Spotify and Soundcloud, along with demanding fans, this band will definitely need to discover their â€Å"higher self deep within,†like they did in â€Å"Heart Hope,†in their next records to impress their listeners once more, like they did in autumn 2015 with Oh Wonder.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Janet Jackson Essays - Concept Albums, Janet Jackson,
Janet Jackson Janet Jackson You know she's a Jackson. And you know she's a singer. Of course, you know the girl can dance. You know she's a leading lady in Hollywood. And maybe you still think of her as a cute little girl with a famous last name and big , bright eyes. Do you think she's what she was yesterday? Better think again. As many of her other fans and followers already know, the only label that fits her is Janet. Time flies when your having fun and that's the way she wants its. Since the grown Miss Jackson burst upon the music scene in 1986 with Control Selling eight million records and establishing her as a bold, sensual, independent woman, she's been breaking the molds and banishing the stereotypes the world would set for her. She's not just the cute, little girl- actress we loved on Good Times and Different Strokes or the earnest teen we followed of Fame. She's not the Jackson family's baby-not any more. Clearly, the only thing you can safely say about her is that she's Janet. And that's saying a lot. Consider that she's already appeared in five television series, made seven albums, and starred in a major motion picture. She's sold over 24 million albums worldwide, achieved five Top Five hits from her 1986 record, Control and a record seven Top Five Hits from the 1989 Rhythm Nation 1814 album, four went to no.#1. She followed that up with a record breaking world tour, a movie and her self-titled album Janet. You might think that a woman with a pedigree and resume as impressive as this would have had a smooth ride all along. Not so. Says Janet, I went through a great deal of pain from about sixteen to nineteen and a half Pain that I really wouldn't wish upon anyone. During those years, challenging years for anyone, Janet released two albums, Janet Jackson (1982) and Dream Street (1984). She spent a difficult and lonely year away from her family in New York while appearing in Fame, and by the time she was nineteen, had been through a divorce after a short-lived marriage to James DeBarge of another somewhat less famous singing family, the DeBarge Family. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, Janet fired her father as her manager, for the first time taking total control of her own career. It should come as no surprise that the tittle of her next album was control. Clearly, it was Janet's announcement to the world that she was no longer just the littlest Jackson , but a strong woman with a mind, body and career of her own. Control won two American Music awards in 1987 . Newsweek magazine described it as irresistible danceable alternative to the sentimental balladry and opulent arrangements of some of the then more famous female singer. Many pop stars, having found a formula that worked, would be content to make more of the same. But when Rhythm Nation 1814 hit charts in 1989, a different , more mature, more confident Janet Jackson announced herself. Having established her own artistic identity, Janet looked outside herself. Of course, there are still some very personal songs on this record, and very sexy ones such as Black Cat, but more that that, the songs of Rhythm Nation 1814 reflect her long held concern for the state of society and the place of the individual in that society. Rhythm Nation 1814 won praise, not just because its a great record to listen to with hard-hitting dance tunes, heart felt lyrics and visually stunning videos, but because it is an uplifting collection of songs. unlike so many issue oriented albums, Rhythm Nation 1814 didn't just point out the problems, it struck a note of hope. Making such a difference album is a risk for any artist but this one paid off. Like Control, Rhythm Nation 1814 sold eight million copies, but more remarkably, the album set a new record by placing seven singles in the Billboard Top Five. Her Rhythm Nation tour a nine month marathon, played to nearly two million delighted fans and raised, through a percentage of ticket sales, nearly $400,000 for the cities in schools program. With unprecedented success like
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